Tuesday 28 February 2012

perfectly balanced

I saw these images over at Desire to Inspire this morning, and I had to grab them, too. Isn't this just perfectly balanced!?

Many favourites of mine, like the Eames chairs that we have in our house. However, we only have four of them, and I don't think we will go for more, because they are just all over the place these days. Right now ours are just mixed with some old chairs, but this combo, with the Y-chair and a white table looks great, I think..

pics: Bieke Claessens via Desire to Inspire

The pictures are all by Belgian photographer Bieke Claessens, who has a beautiful portpolio, that you really should check out.

Now I will make a long to-do list for my home, instead of spending time by the computer. I have some pretty posters that need to get framed, among many other things. Maybe today.

Have a nice Tuesday


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