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Tuesday 6 March 2012

pink & grey

Yes, I've said it before, I see grey and pink wherever I go, also in the world of blogs.. 
Isn't it nice how this family has painted the inside of their cabinets pink!?

 That made me think of Montana's units in new colours. I actually went to look at the pink unit, however, it was a little too pink for me. I'd rather go for the white, or maybe if I'm brave, the grey. 

If you are into grey, you have to check out this whole post over at Decor8, which features the third collection for Murobond Paints called “Gray Scale Garden” from stylist and creative director Jason Grant. Great inspiration!

pics: 1-2 Jenny Brandt, 3-4 Montana, 5 Lauren Bamford , 6 H&M

 HM:s new pillows in the same colour scheme. Isn't the little dog pillow a great budget alternative to by nord's animal prints!?


  1. grått og rosa kan aldri bli feil;)
    l o v e it!!;)
    Håper dagen din er god!


  2. Det där köket är jättesnyggt, gillar skarpt!

  3. I'm not really into pink, but I absolutely adore this combination!

  4. Jeg og elsker rosa og grått. Har akkurat laget ferdig et babyteppe i kombinasjonen....luuuw it!!


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